Garmin's most visionary portable GPS yet, the aera 796 features a unique 3DVision perspective view of the topography beneath your aircraft. With a choice of portrait or landscape orientation, the aera 796's "virtual reality" flight graphics can be framed with GPS-derived indications of ground track, altitude, groundspeed, vertical speed, and turn indication-all updated 5 times per second. The large 7-inch hi-res touchscreen brings tap-and-go simplicity to navigation. And geo-referenced FliteCharts, IFR Enroute Chrts, VFR Sectional Charts, SafeTaxi diagrams, AOPA Airport Directory, and more, all come pre-loaded! A built-in digital document viewer expands the unit's utility as an electronic flight bag (EFB), letting you view an entire approach at a glance. You can add airways, satellite weather with NEXRAD, and XM audio entertainment. The aera 796 is the future in your flight bag.
Aviation Accessories Limited, 447700004749

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