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APU & TURBINE IGNITERS : "FOR SERIOUS BUYER" - REMAIN NEW IN FACTORY TUBES : NO DESCRIPTION OEM P.N P.N MFG QTY Engine A/C type 1 Igniter Plug 3669964-4 FS153-1 Champion 33 ea Honeywell APU/ TSCP-700-4B / E / -5 (APU) MD-11 , A300B 2 Igniter Plug 3669964-5 (6800087) CH31615 Champion 9 ea GTP30 GTCP-30-GTCP36 (APU) Fairchild F27, Convair600, Falcon20 , Fokker F28 / F50, Hawker 125 3 Igniter Plug Pratt & Whitney P/N 487238 AA72SA Champion 6 ea JT8D- 737 -100/200 , 747 4 Igniter Plug* NSN. 2925-00-802-1418 6805737 Associated Aerospace, Inc 6 ea Allison 501 D13/D13A/ D22 Lookheed /Convair580/Electra /Hercules 5 Igniter Plug* NSN. 2925-00-802-1418 6805737 Champion 1 ea Allison 501 D13/D13A/ D22 Lookheed /Convair580/Electra /Hercules 6 Spark Plug RHB32E RHB32N Champion 16 ea Spark Plug -Four Prong Massive 7 Spark Plug REM37BY Champion 1 ea 8 Spark Plug 2925-00-087-2465 RHM38E Champion 1 ea 9 Spark Plug 2925-00-328-2018 AC-281 Flint Mich

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