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Aero Liquidation, Inc. based in Suwanee, GA recycles avionics and electronic parts. If you have surplus avionics or end of life parts we will buy them from you and you get the most out of your unwanted avionics parts. Our recycling program is easy . Call me or contact by email to make an offer or discuss Weight and volume and we at the purchasing department will help you. If you have large inventory , more than 53 trailer loads our representative will go onsite to review and make payment prior to taking possession and loading. We will pay the shipping and also insure your material. Please call on 770-932-9915 or email me to discuss weight and volume of material. We buy in any quantity. We will send a shipping label or arrange pick up . You will receive a check 24 hours after Aero Liquidation receives the parts.
Aero Liquidation Inc., 770-932-9915
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