1) RAF Ligtning - Test Simulator 2) Smiths Industries KTQ 1701 simulator 3) Pye Scientific portable precision Wheatstone bridge 7384 4) Cam Metric portable precision Wheatstone bridge 7384 (NEW) 5) Cambridge Potentiometer 44228 6) Bryans Aeroequipment differential pressure tester & weight set 7) Brass Sylphon Pump For Calibration of aviation instruments 8) AIR Micromanometer MP20-2A 9) Negretti & Zambra aneroid barometer 0552/160232 10) Barnet MKIII deadweight tester calibrator complete with a set of test weights. Both are boxed. 11) Hilger & Watts and Taylor Hobson TB108 Inclinometers 12) Correx/Somfy Arpo precision tension gauges 100/250g of Swiss/French manufacture. 13) Bryans Aeroequipment Differential Pressure Tester with set of weighs (Unused). For multiple items I can arrange courier/postage based on total packaged weight. Give me a call or send a message if you need any further detail and pricing or high res. images. Tel. 44 1484 607937 or 44 7515 533307
44 1484 607937
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