For the Atlantic traveler, our Garmin Aera 795 GPS is ideal. Use this GPS during travel throughout Europe. This Aera model includes our latest features, with the exception of SiriusXM radio. The Garmin Aera features a preloaded international airport directory and VFR reporting points. This sleek touchscreen GPS includes the creature comforts every pilot will enjoy. The Aera series systems feature document viewers, personalized quick-access keys and an impressive selection of accessories for additional convenience. The Atlantic 795 model will perform in Europe and on Atlantic flights, working to map the most convenient, easy-to-navigate route. Our clear display will make travel a breeze. For professional or recreational pilots alike, the Garmin 795 delivers with every use. The AC-U-KWIK software will help you avoid obstacles during your journey, increasing safety and productivity in your cockpit.
Aviation Accessories Limited, 447700004749

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